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A seguito della traduzione in giapponese di A Song of Ice and Fire, fortunata serie di libri scritta da George R. R. Martin da cui è tratta la serie TV Game of Thrones, la casa editrice Hakayawa ha commissionato all’artista Noriko Meguro la realizzazione di una serie di copertine originali ispirate alla saga. A differenza dei responabili casting della HBO l’autrice ha preso alla lettera le indicazioni fornite dall’autore nei vari volumi, realizzando dei disegni estremamente fedeli alle caratteristiche estetiche descritte: colore degli occhi e dei capelli, forma del viso, pelle e corporatura.
Una scelta particolarmente felice, specie se si considera che alcuni punti cardine della storia si reggono sull’ereditarietà dei caratteri somatici, che non potrà non essere apprezzata dai fan che hanno storto il naso alla vista delle parrucche variopinte (Melisandre), chiome ossigenate (Cersei, Daenerys) e fisionomie stravolte (Jon Snow, Salladhor Saan, Asha Greyjoy) presenti nella serie TV.
Voi cosa ne pensate?
Jon Snow
Even at age fourteen, Jon is said to have more Stark-like features than any of his half-brothers. Jon has a lean build, with dark brown hair and grey eyes so dark they border on black. He is graceful and quick. Tyrion Lannister notes that Jon has the traditional Stark face in everything but name—long, solemn and guarded—a face that gives nothing away. He remarks to himself that whoever Jon’s mother was, she left little of herself in her son’s appearance. Arya Stark is said to resemble Jon the most of the Stark children. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Arya Stark
Arya’s appearance is more Stark than Tully, with a long face, grey eyes, and brown hair. She is skinny and athletic. At the start of the story, she is generally regarded as plain, as exemplified by her nickname “Arya Horseface”, and often mistaken for a boy. However, there are instances of her being called pretty, compared to the beautiful Lyanna, and catching the eye of men later in the books. In Braavos the kindly man says she has a pretty face. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Sansa Stark
Sansa is traditionally beautiful, taking after her mother’s family (the Tullys) with her high cheekbones, vivid blue eyes and thick auburn hair. She is eleven years old at the start of the series. As she has grown up, her figure has been described as tall, graceful and womanly. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Bran Stark
Bran favours his mother’s side in appearance, having the thick auburn hair and deep blue eyes of the Tullys. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys is a young woman in her early teens. She is short of stature and very beautiful, with the silver-blonde hair and purple eyes for which House Targaryen has always been known. Dany is said to bear a certain physical resemblance to Naerys Targaryen. By A Dance with Dragons rumours of Daenerys’s striking beauty are spreading far and wide. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Cersei Lannister
Cersei is a strikingly beautiful woman with classic Lannister looks: blonde hair, brilliant green eyes, fair skin, and a slender, graceful figure. However, time and motherhood are beginning to take their toll on her body, and as of A Feast for Crows she has begun to gain weight as a result of alcohol abuse. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Jaimie Lannister
Jaime has the quintessential Lannister look, with bright green eyes and golden hair. He is considered to be extremely handsome, his tall frame complemented with comely features and “a smile that cut like a knife”; Jon Snow thinks to himself that Jaime is “what a king should look like”. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion is a dwarf, with stubby legs, a jutting forehead, mismatched eyes of green and black, and a mixture of pale blond and black hair. His unique stare has been said to make most people uncomfortable, which Tyrion tries to use to his advantage. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Samwell Tarly
Samwell is very fat, with dark hair, pale eyes, and a large moon-shaped face. Jon Snow originally estimates Samwell to weigh 20 stone (127 kg/280 lbs). Samwell is fond of music and songs, and prefers books over weapons and soft fabrics over armor. He is also a craven, afraid of blood and violence. Although fat, timid, and unsure of himself, he is intelligent and thoughtful. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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Margaery Tyrell
Margaery has thick, softly curling brown hair, large brown eyes, unblemished skin and a slender yet shapely figure. Sansa Stark and Cersei Lannister note the similarities in appearance to her brother Loras. Margaery is considered pretty by Jaime Lannister. While observing her, Cersei admits to herself that Margaery is pretty enough but thinks most of that is youth. Cersei thinks that only a fool would ever claim Margaery was more beautiful than her. (A Wiki of Ice and Fire)
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