Disclaimer: This in NOT a sponsored post. The products reviewed have been purchased on my own free will and fully paid up. Therefore the following review is expression of my personal and honest opinion.
If you are, like me, into skincare and your ultimate ambition is to get a flawless, glowing and plumped skin just like oriental women’s you probably must have heard about “Hanacure”, the miraculous facial mask from South Korea: an All-in-one beauty product which promises to make your face younger and radiant with just one single application.
Hanacure facial mask started to become very famous since Drew Barrymore (actress born in 1975 who shows off the gorgeous skin of a 20-something, apparently without surgery, just by mastering the use of skin products). Months ago, Barrymore posted a selfie on her instagram picturing herself wearing this lifting mask from South Korea. Since then, many western women became curious and lots of starlets and models started testing and sharing via social the benefits of Hanacure.

So, what are we faced with? Is Hanacure just excellent marketing or is it a truly innovative product?
I could not miss the chance to try and review the beauty mask of the year, so I oreder straight from Hanacure official website some facials: one multiple set (containing 4 applications) and a single set (containing just one facial treatment, for a gift to a friend of mine).
I’ve already done my very first Hanacure treatment. So here it is my honest review: how does Hanacure work? Is it truly miraculous? Is it worth it?
First of all, let me show you some pictures. This is is the 4 applications set:

And this is the single set: one single facial ideal either to give Hanacure a try without spending too much money or to give a gift to a friend.

Now let’s see how Hanacure works:
I just did my first application and was really not expecting much due to having tried many things and non ever did what they claim. But I was so impressed I can’t even believe how amazing this worked after just the first one not only are my forehead and eye lines diminished but my neck and back of my hands look great. This is a definite re order !
Someone tell me: if you are supposed to use this mask let’s say – once a week, what do you do with all the BRUSHES you collect?
You order just the mask in set of 4. No brush.