Mystic Messenger update: what about the After Stories of V and Ray? [update: read here!!]
Cheritz declared that they are working on them! So the good news is V and Ray‘s after stories will be released for sure, the bad news is that we have to wait a bit more because –as Cheritz itself explained- Mystic Messenger has a vast volume of images, texts and voice recordings in particular. Furthermore Cheritz will proceed first with an app optimization. A few updates will be necessary to improve Mystic Messenger game’s speed.
Next Mystic Messenger‘s scenarios are expected to be released in the second half of 2018. New DLCs and merchandise will be available as well before the end of the year.
But there’s more: while waiting for Mystic Messenger‘s updates, Cheritz decided to introduce “a new friend” for us:

We are talking about “The Ssum”: Cheritz‘ new dating sim game that will be available at the end of March 2018.
Please check out any information available so far about “The Ssum” here.
So, to sum it up: V and Ray‘s after stories will probably be released within 2018 (maybe next summer, for Mystic Messenger‘s 2nd anniversary?)
There’s nothing official about an hypothetical Rika route or Vanderwood route.
Cheritz is investing his efforts in improving Mystic Messenger app’s performances as well as in launching its brand new Otome game for mobile devices: The Ssum.
Is Cheritz planning to find an heir to its most famous game? Does it mean Mystic Messenger saga is coming to an end? Are R.F.A. and Mint Eye‘s stories really completed?
No way, girls! Don’t worry: Cheritz knows perfectly well that its fans won’t be satisfied until they are given a happy ending for the Choi twins, Saeyoung and Saeran. So, as long as Seven is MIA and as long as Saeran hasn’t made up with his brother, Mystic Messenger won’t be over.
They have released V’s after ending but not Rays in the English servers at this time. This might be a delay due to translating the original Korean to English subtitles however.
I look forward to receiving Ray’s After Story, since we already have his Free Talk
I want Rays AE SOOO BAD!!! Im trying to save up all my hourglasses so I can see Rays AE the SECOND it’s released, but it’s driving me nuts bc I want to see V’s AE as well! IDK WHAT TO DO!! Do I continue saving my hg’s up for Ray, or do I just go ahead and open up Vs AE to tide me over since we dont even know when Rays AE is coming out anyway?!?! UGH PLS HURRY UP CHERITZ!!! I NEED MORE RAY!!
We are in 2019 already and we still don’t have news 🙁 what’s happening with the V and Ray AE’s ? What’s wrong cheritz we are waiting so long for this T_T
P. S.
I have no idea how anyone would want Rikas route. She’s an absolute b@*ch. I wouldn’t dare go on her route.
Maybe you could change her. Maybe the story will be placed even earlier than AS and you could prevent everything to happen ?♀️
Almost 2019: Still waiting for an after story…. ?
Plz! Let The Choi twins be together! Just like in secret end 2!
Saeyong and Saeren!
Plz! Let it be!
Both of them deserve to be happy!
I so love my Choi boys!
So cool, I especially can’t wait for Saerans after story!
Wouldn’t it be cool if there one day came Rika route?
I would love if Rika would be a person you could fall in love with and not be in the friend-zone with. That would be interesting
Absolutely! I wish all of them have their own route at the end. Even Elizabeth the 3rd or dirver Kim 😀
I hope they will work on vanderwood’s route, he is my favourite ;-; also maybe rika too
Hi! I hope Ray’s secret ending and V’s secret ending release soon! I just ended Saeran’s route and I need more! and like a Seven’s fan (now Saeran’s fan too n//n), I would like what happened with him T_T
P.S: I love Noragami <3
Hi Jessica,
According on what Cheritz says Saeran’s (and V’s) after story (the epilogue after the Good End) will be available in the second half of 2018. It is possible they will be released in summer as a “gift” for Mystic Messenger’s 2nd anniversary. Or, at least I hope so!!
P.S.: I’m a super Noragami fan!! And there is also another person writing for this site who is in love with Yato 😀
Yup, I read about this … according to Wikipedia, the game has been released 8th July. So maybe we will have to wait 3 months for the after endings T_T
Well … in the meantime, I suppose I’ll make Jaehee route and the other bad endings xD Maybe, I can try their new game too ^^
P.S: I’m reading the manga now becuz a friend recommended me the anime two weeks ago and I devoured it in only a few days ._.