Hanacure: an honest review about the “miraculous” facial mask from South Korea Hanacure is the most talked about beauty treatment of the year: actresses and models love it. One single application should grant you a flawless skin. Is it really so?

Hanacure: an honest review about the "miraculous" facial mask from South Korea

Hanacure: does it worth it?

Overall, Hanacure worked finely on my skin (a combination skin with some wrinkles, some redness and some freckles). I’m satisfied by the final effect.

What does actually Hanacure do?

  • It smooths the deepest wrinkes (for example those ones in the middle of your eyebrows or on your forehead). The wrinkes do not completely disappear, of course, but they do are more shallow and more elastic.
  • It shrinkes the pores of your face. Your skin feels very compact and smooth.
  • It makes your skin light and glowing, probably because it removes all the superficial cells of the epidermis. Our complexion appears fair and healthy.
  • It has a good elastifying effect. Every time we smile our expression wrinkles flatten more quickly, just like it used to do when you were “some years younger”.
  • Freckles and dark spots, due to excessive tanning or hormones, lighten a little.

How long does Hanacure effect last?

South Korean brand Hanacure suggests to apply one mask every 2 or 4 weeks. But it also ensures that even one single treatment is able to give immediately all the benefits.

My experience shows that the very first facial masks gives good results for about a couple of weeks. Just like any other excellent facial treatment one can do at the beautician. Obviously the benefits tends to fade away day after day but Hanacure ensures about 14 days of fair and younger complexion.

In conclusion: is Hanacure worth it?

Hanacure is not a miracle mask, but I bet you already suspected it. Never the less I consider it an effective treatment, pretty much like other facial treatmets I had at professional beauty centers which were, by the way, much more expensive. Hanacure costs 29 $, plus shipping costs. A complete deluxe facial at a very good beautician can cost up to 100 $.

If you do like to experience new facial at your own home, if you are not a regular customer at a professional beauty center, then go for it: Hanacure all-in-one facial mask will meet your expectations.

Otherways, if you prefer to rely on an expert’s hands and to entrust the replumping tand lifting of your skin to a good beautician, then do not have any regret for Hanacure does not do much more than a good, professional all-in-one treatment.

I hope you find this review somehow useful. If you have further questions or if you want to share your personal experience, please leave a comment below.

Thanks for reading!

Hanacure: an honest review about the "miraculous" facial mask from South Korea

About Orihara Mairu

I love unboxing and reviewing pretty things: toys, kawaii stuff and skincare products. I have a cutter and I'm not afraid to use it :)

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3 Comments on “Hanacure: an honest review about the “miraculous” facial mask from South Korea Hanacure is the most talked about beauty treatment of the year: actresses and models love it. One single application should grant you a flawless skin. Is it really so?

  1. I just did my first application and was really not expecting much due to having tried many things and non ever did what they claim. But I was so impressed I can’t even believe how amazing this worked after just the first one not only are my forehead and eye lines diminished but my neck and back of my hands look great. This is a definite re order !

  2. Someone tell me: if you are supposed to use this mask let’s say – once a week, what do you do with all the BRUSHES you collect?

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