Ace of Diamond season 3 will start airing on japanese television from April 2nd 2019. Every tuesday at 5.55 pm (Tokyo local time) fans we’ll be able to follow Seidou baseball team’s challenges during its first time at Koshien.
Nobody expected Daiya no Ace season 3 would make its own debut so soon. In fact, the 3rd part of the anime adaptation from Yuuji Terajima‘s manga was announced less than 3 months ago and we all know how many big comebacks are scheduled for next Spring: Attack on Titan 3 (2nd part will air from April 28, 2019), One Punch Man 2, Chihayafuru 3 (both scheduled for April as well).

Furthermore, Ace of Diamond 3 will compete directly with another long-anticipated Baseball Anime: Mitsuru Adachi’s Mix which will make its debut on April 6.

Daiya no Ace 3 will introduce new characters such as the new teammate and catcher Koshuu Okumura (voiced by Yuma Uchida); second baseman Takuma Seto and talented hitter Masashi Yuuki (younger brother of former captain Tetsuya Yuuki).

Nothing has been revealed yet about the number of episodes. The first season had 75 episodes. The second season counted 51 of them. Hopefully Season 3 won’t have less than 24.
i love the daimond no ace very much i hope they pinis that sisson